Thank you for purchasing a genuine NextGenRotoTM water tank.  Properly installed and maintained, your NextGenRoto water tank will provide you with many years of service.

NextGenRoto always recommend clients and/or installers to consult with their local council or water authority (whomever has jurisdiction in your area) regarding their specific requirements for water tank installation.

NextGenRoto tanks are designed to be installed outside the external wall of the home.  Usually, the tanks are situated under the roof eave (refer to the image entitled “Rainwater Harvesting Diagram” on the NextGenRoto web page

NextGenRoto recommends that the tanks be sited on ground that is of a very stable nature and had a reinforced (F62 reo mesh) concrete slab prepared for the tank to be seated.  In some cases, it may be sufficient to retain the area where the tanks is to be sited and provide a combination of road base then quarter minus base for the tank to be seated ensuring it is structurally framed to stop the base from moving under the tank.  The base – whether a slab or rock should also allow 100mm area around the tank. This should only be done after the consultation with qualified landscape gardeners, builders, plumbers or another similar qualified professional

The major consideration when preparing the base is that the tank will hold a substantial amount of water with total weight ranging from approx. 1.1 tonne to approx. 10 tonnes.  It is imperative that the tank is on a level base.

All NextGenRoto tanks are supplied with:

  • One (1) 400 mm diameter leaf and insect strainer (supplied, fitted with stainless steel screws)
  • One (1) 90 mm overflow flange
  • Two (2) to three (3) fitted 25mm BSP female outlets ( dependant on size of tank)

When fitting a tap or lever ball valve you MUST use a good quality thread tape (available from plumbing suppliers and hardware stores) to ensure a good thread seal.  Be careful not to cross thread or over tighten the tap of lever ball valve as this may cause damage to the outlet.  A length of flexible suction hose (minimum 20cm) must be hose clamped between the lever ball valve and the water pump to allow for movement.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the installation of you water tank.